Wednesday 18 February 2015

Laser Ray Treatment

Laser Ray treatment, a revolution:        

What is Laser ray:

You have heard about the Laser Ray. Now, what is it? Have ever think about this? As a definition we can say – it is a ray that can go through the process of an amplification of optical on the basis of stimulating release of electro-magnetic radiation. The word LASER stands for- ‘Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Laser Ray Treatment is a medical treatment that has used on basis of light. Actually laser belongs to one kind of light. It is special, because of its wave length, that’s not like the other wave lengths. The powerful beam shows its vision. Laser ray or light so powerful that used to cut diamonds or shape steel materials.

Laser Ray treatment:                                                       

Research of scientists suggests that if laser ray can be properly directed and send through the body of the human beings, then few of cells of the body can be lighted and visible. Scientists of famous Cornell University of U.S.A. had done this and executed many small but important activities of cells at different time. They had also invented the process does not damage any of cells of the body. Head of the research team had clarified the activity of cell that they observe. The fact is if laser ray falls upon an atom, the atom absorbs one or two photon particles. As a result the atom becomes brighter and visible. Then the lighted atom can be seen thorough a video screen. In medical world, laser ray has been using for many occasions. By this method a surgeon can do his work on a tiny area and can avoid damaging other tissues. This type of treatment gives lesser pain compare to normal treatment. The treatment is not cheap in any means. So if you want to deals with laser therapy you must collect information about its expenses.

The Research:

There has been an emission of a chemical substance from the cells of the head of the person. The chemical substance is known as serotonin which works as a neurotransmitter. This substance helps to send signals from neuron to parts of the body. There has the picture of that incident. If any human beings suffering in cancer, the laser ray would find the cells which are containing cancer, these cells brighten differently compare to normal cells. This type of information is very useful to find the location the tumor or neoplasm (if any), which is a mass of tissue at the time of head related operation. Not only that, the method can give us road to send applicable medicines to the effected cell. It can help to cure the patient. The process use to do the above is known as Micro photon or Microscopy. The word Microscopy oriented from Microscope.

Test on Whom:

The whole process at first tested on a rat body. Mr. Winfried Denk, the well known scientist of Bell Laboratory applied this method inside a rat’s head and he was succeeded to observe the activities of dendrite (it is a branch of neuron which comes from a Greek word). The Cornell University’s research team is responsible for invention of Microscopy. Actually Microscopy came from Micro photon and the process belongs to the university in New York, U.S.A.

Use in:

This method is very useful in medical science. It is used to destroy tumors and polyps. Stone in kidney and parts of prostate can be removed by this method. It is a good practise to repair retina, inside part of eye. The treatment helps to relieve cancer and Laser eye surgery helps to improve our vision.

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