Friday 13 February 2015

History of Medical Science

History of Medical Science:

Sign of Science

Old society, like of Egyptian, Babylon, Indian and Chinese invented their own medical process. Among them Egyptians were first and superior. Almost five thousand years ago, the old people of the Egypt able to produce a whole biological science. We are not very familiar about the biology of old Babylon society. We have found only little bit about them. Same can be said about Indus society. We got lots of information about their life style but unable to find  information about their medical world. Indian society had given an idea about the medical science of that age. It has been saying the Indian biology had started its journey from the stage of Rig Veda, near about four thousand years ago. The first book on medical science was written in 450 B.C. in China. Till now the book is known as the oldest book of Medical Science.

The Practise of Egypt, China and India:

The magic and spiritual power took a big part at that time in the old society. The Egyptians were not opposites. In spite of that,  they invented lots of medicines in order to cure form varieties of diseases. The medicines were effective and the system ran for a long period. It is known that the Egyptians knew about the use of medicines that could cure pains and sedative problems.
The Chinese medical science was very old too. The first written book on medical science in China acknowledges the fact. We can find long and meaningful description of medicines in this book. There had a deep description about acupuncture which was incredible at that time. One of the processes of treatment in China had called ‘Han-Yi’. Later this process went to abroad likes of Korea, Japan and South-East Countries. There was also a little beat medical science in Indian society. Books like Rig Veda and Atharva-Veda gave a little touch of this. But later written books, like- Charaka Samhita or Sushruta Samhita is healthy in contains of biology. 
Sign of Book

Greek and Roman Treatment and Indian:

Greek and Roman process oriented from Egypt. Most of the familiar medicines in this countries influenced from the Egyptians’ inventions. But one great thing we had got from old Greek society is that the medical science became free of magic and spiritual powers by influence of them. The father of Medical science in West Europe, the great physician Mr. Hippocrates of Kos was the first person who criticised the use of magic and magical songs in medical science. He is known as the 'father of Medical science'.
After many years Arabians brought a revolution in medical science history. They had mixed Indian and Greek-Roman medical science process and the world got a developed medicine treatment. The process went to Europe. Europeans got the knowledge form Arabians. The effect of Arabians medicines in Europe was historic and long lasting. Great Arabian writer and thinker Avicenna written book ‘Qunun’ or ‘Canon’ had regarded one of the main books of medicines in Europe till seventeenth century.
The Arabian medicine policy came to in India in sixteenth century, at the time of Mughal empire. The process became popular in India as the process was resembles with Indian process in many parts. In India this traditional treatment process had called ‘Unani’. The word came from ‘Jaban’.That is a Sanskrit word, means people of Greece.

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