Monday 9 February 2015

EURO 1 and EURO 2

EURO 1 and EURO 2:

The Important Summit:

Today the most important origin of air pollution is vehicles. The problem is around the world and everyone is seriously thinking about it. It was first come into the thinking in year 1999 at the United Nations’ meeting in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The summit based on Environment and Progress in the world. The subjects were holes in Ozone layer, misuse of oil, traffic problem in cities and towns, and air pollution by vehicles. The discussion ended with two decisions. First one, the countries who are responsible for pollution have to share money for controlling pollution and second one is whole of the world would take care of the pollution. That means anyone would not wait for any types of scientific prove in respect to pollution, they would take steps at the earliest.

How the Rules came:

In the modern world, undoubtedly, the pollution is the biggest threat for us. It is said that in many countries, like Malaysia and Mexico nothing is visible from a short distance due to the smoke appeared. It was an incident in 1970, in California, Los Angeles, U.S.A, when the famous Photo Chemical calamity had brought the whole world into the stage of thinking for pollution. That incident changed the thinking of people and brought awareness about the air pollution in the society. In 1970, the U.S.A. government passed the Clean Air Act in their parliament (known as Congress). Motor making companies had also come to stop pollution. Then the turn went around the world and in few years the European countries also made act to stop pollution. Lately, Asian and African countries got the idea from them and made the necessary rules. The word EURO 1 and EURO 2 came from European countries.

What is EURO 1 and EURO 2:

What is the meaning of EURO 1 and EURO 2? These are two emission standard rules which had come from Europe. The first rule introduced in 1993 and second one in 1996. According to the rules, the substances which are responsible for pollution would be limited in vehicles’ smoke: That means if a vehicle run one kilometre, there would be a limited release of polluted substances in every time. If the vehicle releases more polluted substances, it is to be a concern that the vehicle does not obey EURO 1 rule and the punishment is applicable there. As per EURO 2 rule, the oil should be reach not only from carbonator, from other places too. The system is called Multi Joint Fuel Injection. Besides, there would be change in piston, warring and design of engine. The system is now available in the market. But, what can be done about the older vehicles? A strong act is very much in card to stop this issue.

Pollution from vehicles:

The growing world is suffering because of above situation. It is not only takes bad effect to our daily life also take part in money market. Research suggests the loss amount due to pollution in developed and developing countries is thousands of dollars. Private cars are the most polluted vehicles in the world. Then, come up names of other vehicles, like- motor cycle, scooter, auto rickshaw, bus and track. There has a wrong idea that the vehicles that run by diesel spread more pollution. That’s not true. Now a days’, C.N.G. (Compressed Natural Gas) is using for many vehicles. That is one of the solutions of air pollution in the environment. zc

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