Friday 28 August 2015


Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists of the world. Many have recognised he is the best. His inventions ‘General Theory of Relativity’ brought revolution in the world of Physics. His well known equation E=mc² is one of the most essential equation of modern Physics (here, E= kinetic energy, m=relativistic mass and c= speed of light). Even atom bomb had invented basis of his theory and equation. He had won Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Birth and Education:      

This great scientist had born on 14th March, 1879, in Germany. In 1880 he along with his family went to a big city, Munich. As it known, his father was an engineer. His early education started in Munich at the age of five. His childhood school name was Luitpold Gymnasium which later named to him as Albert Einstein Gymnasium. In 1894, his family went to Italy. Einstein stayed in Munich and completed his study there. Then he went to Italy to join his family. The very next year he went to Switzerland and passed Swiss poly-technique exam. He stayed in the country and got a teaching job there.

Marriage and Jobs:

In the year of 1902 he married to Mileva Maric. The couples produced two sons. Though, his marriage did not last long. In 1919, he had married to another woman, Elsa Loverthal, who died in 1936.
In 1905, Einstein got his PhD from University of Zurich. In 1908, he joined to University of Bern as lecturer of Physics. In 1911, he got a full professor job in Austria. Later he came back to Germany. Same year he brought his famous ‘General Theory of Relativity’ in front of all.
In December, 1930, he went to U.S.A. and got many appreciations and achievements. Three years later he again went there and in 1935 he and his wife adopted citizenship of U.S.A


Apart from Physics, he had eagerness in music. He himself liked to play violin. He said once that he would be a musician if he was not a physicist. In fact at his young age his work with violin preferable to many people.

Theory of Relativity and other work:

The man was a great scientist. His articles and inventions are remarkable. But the most famous article was ‘General Theory of Relativity’ and his equation, E=mc². This equation may be the most famous equation in history of science. It is a pillar of modern Physics.  His article was first come out in 1905. People was little doubtful about this and it took long fourteen years to accept. It was in 1919 when acceptance happened.
He wrote many articles and invented theory. Among those, Periodic Table of Element, Theory of Critical Opalescence, Energy at Zero Point, Definition of Light, Bose-Einstein Theory are mostly remarkable. He raised questions on ‘Quantum Theory’. He wrote several articles on it and said it was not up to mark. The debate against Niels Bohr remained unclosed until death. It was controversial at times and many scientists opposed Einstein in that case. But his articles on this were matter in future works.


Form the age of sixty-nine; he was in observation of treatment regularly. In 1955, case went wrong and he faced internal bleeding. But he was not agree for surgical operation and continued his industrious work in Physics. The scientist died on 18 April, 1955. The man had died but his work in science remains him alive for ever.

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