Thursday 5 February 2015

Issues with new computer

Issues with New Computer

Have you bought a new computer? If yes, first to fall congratulation to you. You must be very happy and feeling thrill as your computer box had open just a while ago. When you set up your personal computer you must do few things, the things may looks unnecessary or disgusting. But believe me, those are nothing less than important. Those few things would help you to protect your computer from unwanted problems in upcoming days. There are few tips that do well for you:-

a. Serial Number conservation:

You may know every computer has its own serial number. So your computer also has a serial number. The number may be priceless in any day in your life. The first thing you have to do after opening the box:- note  the serial number on notebook, diary or else. You also can use your camera to take a photo of that number and placed there, from where you can get it easily when needed. Then check the number with your new computer set:- those must be same. If not, go to seller at once. If your computer starts with Windows, then you can store its Windows Licence Key. This key will be valuable whenever you need to reinstall Windows in future.

b. Make recovery disc or drive:

Recovery disc or drive is necessary when you would face problem of computer reinstalling. There are recovery compact discs or drives available with computers and laptops in market. If there are no such things, you can create a separate disc or drive at the time of starting a new computer. You can get making idea of such disc or drive from internet. 

c. Test Multi-plug:

The multi-plug which carry alternative current to your computer, must be safe and good. If you see a light is flashing on your computer after switch on, you would be assured that your multi-plug and connection both are ok.

d. Give reminder for your expiry date of computer warranty:

It is usual for most of the people to forget the warranty period of your personal computer. If you face any problem near future this date would give suggestion what to do then! One of the easiest ways to remind the warranty date is to give a mark on your calendar as soon as you bring computer to home. You also can store money receipt in a suitable place to avoid any problem under warranty period as per as your computer is concern.

e. Other issues:

Whenever you bring computer set to your home, you must take few minutes to give look towards its hardware. You may not understand software problems, which belongs to experts but you can understand if any hardware does not functioning properly. Hardware supposes to be change if not runs properly or may repairs. And as per as software is concern, a quality antivirus is must. Modern days, internet is everywhere and same can be said for virus. So do not run your computer without an antivirus, and keep update your antivirus regularly. Because new viruses are always ready to damage your computer. If you want to protect your computer from others, you can set up a password at the starting of your computer. The password must be remembered by you.

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