Thursday 5 February 2015

Finger Print Identification Machine

Finger Print matching machine, a revolutionary invention:

In modern world finger is a very important organ for science. Now and then finger can easily guess the culprits behind any mystery. From robbery to theft, from murder to suicide, fingerprint is beyond compare. The system which done this work is known as ‘VERID’ system. Its function is to match finger print of people. Actually it is a machine. It can remember finger print, can identify and match finger prints. We use access code in occasions for our computers. That means whenever we start computer we have to put any number or name as a key to access computer. There is also card system in many computers.  You have to enter card to access that computer. You can use this VERID system in those computers, which can secure your computer more. Only your finger can start your computer and you can avoid hazards of remembering access code.

The Machine:

There is no need of any types of system software change issues if you want to use VERID system. No requirement to do extra ordinary something. Just buy and fix this 165 mm length, 160 mm breadth and 60 mm high machine at proper place. The seller will guide you and fix the machine at suitable place. The machine is all within itself, not need any outside help. It has its own micro-processor and software. The machine can identify and remember more or less five thousand finger prints. The persons who have card, they would first enter their card or put access code if applicable. Then he has to keep his finger on VERID system reader. The system will check the finger print. The process which uses to match finger print is known as Auto Correlation. The advantage of this system is that it can match full finger print. If you worry about computer memory, don’t worry. It only takes 60 bytes memory of your computer for each finger print. It is also helpful to store finger print inside one track of magnetic stripe card.

Finger Prints:

Generally two finger prints of two different hands like to be stored inside the magnetic card. This is good because if you unable to use a finger or hand due to injury or something else, you can use another finger to access your computer. If you need your finger print identification mark some other places, you can scan all the necessary finger prints and downloads all finger prints to such places where you wants. For doing this, you need a small computer or respecting network, which are available in the market.

In Investigation:

A Finger Print
You can notice in various Television shows or detective movies finger prints are used to identify the criminals. Not only movies or T.V. shows the process is same in real life. A word would show as ‘unmatched’ or ‘matched’. If showed ‘matched’, after keep finger on reader machine, means this person’s finger prints is identified. Not all that case the person is accused but must give some sort of information which helps to solve the case. Actually, the invention of this ‘VERID’ machine has changed the path of investigation and makes investigation rather easy and unique.

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