Monday 9 March 2015

Know About the Moon

What is Moon:
The Moon looks from the Earth

The Moon:

The moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. Its age is same as the Earth’s age, almost 4.6 billion years. But the satellite is different from others. As the size of other satellites are 1/8th part of their own planets, where size of the Moon is very big in compare to others.  Size of it is 1/4th part of the Earth.  Diameter of the Moon is 3475 km and diameter of the Earth is 12700 km. But its surface area is half of the Atlantic Ocean. Because of that, its gravitation force is 1/6th of the Earth’s gravitation attraction. The orbit of the Moon is not circular, rather elliptical. The highest distance from the Earth is approximately 406000 km and the lowest is approximately 364000 km. The revolution time of the Moon around the Earth is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 12 seconds. We always see only one side of the Moon from the earth.

Inside the Moon:

The front of the satellite looks bright with some black spots. The brighter portion is the mountains, hills and high places which are lighted by the Sunlight. The dull portion is low positions of the surface. It was thought the low positions are ‘Maria’ or sea and given names basis of that but it is almost clear today that there is no water in the Moon, if any, that in form of ice. There are many hills in the Moon. The highest pick is suppose to higher than Mt. Everest, that situated near to southern part in the Moon. The height of it is 10660 meter.
One of the noted characteristic of the Moon is its lots of vacuoles which are mostly circular in shape. The diameters of those are between 1000 km to 1 km. The source of those vacuoles is the fall of the meteors on the surface of the Moon for a long period of time.
On the Moon Soil

Its Gravity:

Gravitation force of the Moon is very poor. For that reason, there are no gases or atmosphere. As per astronomers, there are no less of peculiar incidents in the Moon. There are no evening twilight or dusk, morning appears suddenly, because when the Sun rises there are no air to show the rising glory. There is no sound as there is no medium of air which need for sound wave.  The temperature of the Moon is extreme. AT day time, it rises to 100°C and at night it becomes -180°C.

The Moon and Tide:

The Sun and the Moon both are responsible for tide in the earth. The Moon is nearer to the earth than the Sun. So the influence of the Moonlight is more effective than the Sunlight. The Moonlight takes 1.3 seconds to appear on the earth where the Sunlight takes 8 minutes and sixteen seconds. For this distance, the ratio of the strength of tide due to the Sun and the Moon is 11:5.

Research on the Moon:

As per report there are lots of stones in the Moon, the stones are dry and no sign of water on those. There are no sign of any type of organic substance on the stones. There are no symbols of volatile elements, like – Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine, Lead, Mercury etc.  But in the earth these elements are common in an igneous rock. As per experts, there may be water in form of ice crystals in the Moon. And if any water exists it, may be some life also. Though it is not clear. The search on the Moon is still in progress and we are waiting to know mystery of the Moon in future.



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