Wednesday 25 February 2015

Little bit about Google

Google is now at First Position:

According to Millward Brown , world famous market survey institution, now Google is the topmost brand in the universe. Apple is only second best brand in the market. One year back Apple was in first position. The survey was base on Brand value.
The survey team claimed that last year’s inclusion of Google Plus had changed the scenario. Besides, the company introduced many shared policy. They had done agreements with a certain number companies to introduced Google Plus glasses in the United States in order to see internet. According to survey team, this type of decision makes Google more attractive brand in the market. Apple had been in top for last three years. But they have lost almost twenty per cent brand value last year. In this list of top hundred brands in the world, first ten belong to United States of America. IBM is at third positions in this list. Food chain McDonalds and soft drink company Coco cola sharing fourth and fifth place respectfully.
New Campus of Google in India:
As per news in Television the Google Company decided to make their new permanent campus in Hyderabad, India. The city already famous for technology is now under the new state, Telangana .Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana. The State Government already has given green signal for this. They claim it as a great achievement for them. Google has campuses which run in rent in India but yet to open a permanent campus in India.

Google Map:

Google Map- there is no one in competition when you want to search any location or address in the world. But the main problem is if you not have a speedy internet connection, you would not get your desire address easily by this map. You have to spend lots of time in search for the place. Not only that, more time you have to spend if you want the address in zoom mood. It can play with our patients and at last we feel disgusting. In this type of case you can use light mood option. That increases net speed and you can find your desire place. The light mood is good if not runs 3-d video or picture show; such things can reduce processing power. If any internet user using old type of operating system or old software and old browsers for older type of website, then Google most likely to give this advantage by itself. The light mood option remains beneath the Google maps, besides the Copyright information. If you get a brand new computer or mobile phone you would not get this facility. Then, you need a speedy network for searching any place through Google maps in little time.
Now Google Map is associated with Bicycle route in six different countries. The countries are – Germany, France, Ireland, Luxemburg, Poland and Liechtenstein. Bicycle is now a day’s very popular all over the world. For this reason, Google Authority has taken this step. By help of this Map one can search his destination easily.

Google Chrome:

Google Chrome, one of the most popular software browsers in the world. We can find our desire websites by using this software through internet. It can be used in Smartphone by Chrome browser apps. Google Chrome also can be used for search websites through Smartphone’s own application. We can see websites with better speed by using such applications whenever we use computer or Android Smart phones or tablets. Such applications also help to chose bookmarks. Besides that it is good to see pages, scroll pages and zoom in with high speed.


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