Friday 27 February 2015

Facebook, the social networking site.

What is Facebook:
Facebook logo

Presently, Face book is the world’s most popular social networking site. The website founded in 2006 by Mark Zuckerberg of Harvard University, U.S.A. The number of site users already cross one billion. You can join Facebook easily if you have a valid e-mail address and there is a restriction of age that is thirteen years. Young generation is fond of Facebook rapidly. The website designs to connect and share posts and pictures with friends and family mostly.

Spam Filter:

Facebook, the world’s the largest social networking site now taking step to stop ‘Spam’ option of News Feed. Many people would love this step as they feel disgusting when they see ‘Spam’ option on Facebook page. For avoiding this type of situation, Facebook authority decides to use ‘Spam Filter’. It would ensure that there will be no ‘Spam’ option on News Feed. Not only that it also give relief to the user as there would not be any repeat of same post or picture again and again. Besides that, if Spam linked post or same type of post share in Face book, that would not be showed at News Feed. The software programmers of Face book trying for long period to recover users from this type of unwanted situation. Now they able to make ‘Spam Filter’ as a success of their relentless try. According to the report, the work is still in progress and it will come out very soon for all the Facebook users. Adding to this, they said- there will not be any problems at all from the Adviser prospective at the site.

Special keys of Facebook:

Keyboard keys
Do you know there are many shortcut processes in Face book? If don’t, then just read this article. This shortcut keys not only well for something new to you it also very precise to save our valuable time. The shortcut keys are different for different Operating System and different in software browsers in circumstances. For example - the users who are using Windows Operating System and Mozilla Firefox, first press Alt + Shift and your desire key (given) at the same time. For Google Chrome and Internet Explorer press Alt and desire key (given).For Mack Operating System’s Firefox press Function + Ctrl and desire key altogether. And for other browsers, press Option + Ctrl with your desire key. The word ‘desire key’ belongs to one of the following keys:-
M- For sending new message.
J- For viewing next post of News Feed.
K- For viewing previous post of News Feed.
L- For like any posted photo or post.
1- To go home page or main page of Facebook.
2- For go to profile page of log in.
3- For sending request to become your friend.
4- To send a message to a particular user of Face book.
5- To see all the notification of your account.
6- To see your accounts settings.
7- To see your Privacy settings.
8- For go to Facebook page directly.
9- To see Right Engagement and statements of Face book.
0- To find ‘Help Centre’ option of Facebook page.
?- To go Search Courser and you can find anyone you wish in Facebook.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Little bit about Google

Google is now at First Position:

According to Millward Brown , world famous market survey institution, now Google is the topmost brand in the universe. Apple is only second best brand in the market. One year back Apple was in first position. The survey was base on Brand value.
The survey team claimed that last year’s inclusion of Google Plus had changed the scenario. Besides, the company introduced many shared policy. They had done agreements with a certain number companies to introduced Google Plus glasses in the United States in order to see internet. According to survey team, this type of decision makes Google more attractive brand in the market. Apple had been in top for last three years. But they have lost almost twenty per cent brand value last year. In this list of top hundred brands in the world, first ten belong to United States of America. IBM is at third positions in this list. Food chain McDonalds and soft drink company Coco cola sharing fourth and fifth place respectfully.
New Campus of Google in India:
As per news in Television the Google Company decided to make their new permanent campus in Hyderabad, India. The city already famous for technology is now under the new state, Telangana .Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana. The State Government already has given green signal for this. They claim it as a great achievement for them. Google has campuses which run in rent in India but yet to open a permanent campus in India.

Google Map:

Google Map- there is no one in competition when you want to search any location or address in the world. But the main problem is if you not have a speedy internet connection, you would not get your desire address easily by this map. You have to spend lots of time in search for the place. Not only that, more time you have to spend if you want the address in zoom mood. It can play with our patients and at last we feel disgusting. In this type of case you can use light mood option. That increases net speed and you can find your desire place. The light mood is good if not runs 3-d video or picture show; such things can reduce processing power. If any internet user using old type of operating system or old software and old browsers for older type of website, then Google most likely to give this advantage by itself. The light mood option remains beneath the Google maps, besides the Copyright information. If you get a brand new computer or mobile phone you would not get this facility. Then, you need a speedy network for searching any place through Google maps in little time.
Now Google Map is associated with Bicycle route in six different countries. The countries are – Germany, France, Ireland, Luxemburg, Poland and Liechtenstein. Bicycle is now a day’s very popular all over the world. For this reason, Google Authority has taken this step. By help of this Map one can search his destination easily.

Google Chrome:

Google Chrome, one of the most popular software browsers in the world. We can find our desire websites by using this software through internet. It can be used in Smartphone by Chrome browser apps. Google Chrome also can be used for search websites through Smartphone’s own application. We can see websites with better speed by using such applications whenever we use computer or Android Smart phones or tablets. Such applications also help to chose bookmarks. Besides that it is good to see pages, scroll pages and zoom in with high speed.


Monday 23 February 2015

How to maintain your Health

How to be Healthy:
Three works to be healthy

There has a proverb, ‘Health is wealth’. So we cannot avoid giving attention to our health. There are lots of imaginations about the health. Few people believe that if one eats food and chewing it eighteen times before swallow would be good exercise to digest food easily. Other people think taking deep breath and do proper exercise all day long is good to maintain health. So health is delicious theme for variety of opinions. But modern day science thinks differently, old days many thoughts are no more in counts. Present days’ research proves that. It is said that exercise of body is good for health but excess exercise would damage our health. Same think can be said about breathing, if you take breath in fresh air that is enough, not need to take deep breath any more.

Food Habit:

Scientific research say good and balanced food in proper proportion is important to maintain a healthy body. The good food means mixer of all quality of food.  The other important issue is how much time we would spend in between two meals- that remains a question mark even today. Research has not got convincing answers of that. Actually the time depends on social positions of us. The eating time is different in different society and atmosphere. In other side our working time dictate our eating time. Present day people are busy in work and can get little time to eat. It is not good for health but we have compromise with it.

Sleep or Rest:

Sleep is very much an issue related to maintain good health. Sleep would vary person to person. Some people like to sleep for long eight hours other would take half of that time. Two types of people would happy in their own. Mean while proper sleep is very much in card in order to maintain healthiness. As per medical science is concern, good health is little bit depend on our DNA (De-oxy-ribo Nucleic Acid - is a basic material which contains genetic orders in all the living organisms, DNA is situated inside the nucleus in a living cell) structure which come from your parents or your relatives. Some of the researches say a balanced diet, mental balance, preferences in life, our thinking, lifestyle, our rest time and DNA structure of our genes is necessary for keep good health.

Definition of Health:

According to definition of the health, only illness free or injury free body is not a healthy body. Health means good body; right minds and happy lifestyles in social ways. The general rules of good health care are-
1.    Don’t give extra stress to your body. Just use your body with your limitation, eat balanced diet in time. Taking sufficient rest is very important.
2.    Think positively, not negatively. Good thinking is very important for good health.
3.    Don’t think about your body unnecessarily.
4.   Drinking lots of water in empty stomach is a very fine exercise. Its helps us to avoid constitutions problems.
According to WHO (World Health Organisation), - ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ This definition remains unchanged since 1948 and known as the most famous definition of health till date.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Laser Ray Treatment

Laser Ray treatment, a revolution:        

What is Laser ray:

You have heard about the Laser Ray. Now, what is it? Have ever think about this? As a definition we can say – it is a ray that can go through the process of an amplification of optical on the basis of stimulating release of electro-magnetic radiation. The word LASER stands for- ‘Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Laser Ray Treatment is a medical treatment that has used on basis of light. Actually laser belongs to one kind of light. It is special, because of its wave length, that’s not like the other wave lengths. The powerful beam shows its vision. Laser ray or light so powerful that used to cut diamonds or shape steel materials.

Laser Ray treatment:                                                       

Research of scientists suggests that if laser ray can be properly directed and send through the body of the human beings, then few of cells of the body can be lighted and visible. Scientists of famous Cornell University of U.S.A. had done this and executed many small but important activities of cells at different time. They had also invented the process does not damage any of cells of the body. Head of the research team had clarified the activity of cell that they observe. The fact is if laser ray falls upon an atom, the atom absorbs one or two photon particles. As a result the atom becomes brighter and visible. Then the lighted atom can be seen thorough a video screen. In medical world, laser ray has been using for many occasions. By this method a surgeon can do his work on a tiny area and can avoid damaging other tissues. This type of treatment gives lesser pain compare to normal treatment. The treatment is not cheap in any means. So if you want to deals with laser therapy you must collect information about its expenses.

The Research:

There has been an emission of a chemical substance from the cells of the head of the person. The chemical substance is known as serotonin which works as a neurotransmitter. This substance helps to send signals from neuron to parts of the body. There has the picture of that incident. If any human beings suffering in cancer, the laser ray would find the cells which are containing cancer, these cells brighten differently compare to normal cells. This type of information is very useful to find the location the tumor or neoplasm (if any), which is a mass of tissue at the time of head related operation. Not only that, the method can give us road to send applicable medicines to the effected cell. It can help to cure the patient. The process use to do the above is known as Micro photon or Microscopy. The word Microscopy oriented from Microscope.

Test on Whom:

The whole process at first tested on a rat body. Mr. Winfried Denk, the well known scientist of Bell Laboratory applied this method inside a rat’s head and he was succeeded to observe the activities of dendrite (it is a branch of neuron which comes from a Greek word). The Cornell University’s research team is responsible for invention of Microscopy. Actually Microscopy came from Micro photon and the process belongs to the university in New York, U.S.A.

Use in:

This method is very useful in medical science. It is used to destroy tumors and polyps. Stone in kidney and parts of prostate can be removed by this method. It is a good practise to repair retina, inside part of eye. The treatment helps to relieve cancer and Laser eye surgery helps to improve our vision.

Friday 13 February 2015

History of Medical Science

History of Medical Science:

Sign of Science

Old society, like of Egyptian, Babylon, Indian and Chinese invented their own medical process. Among them Egyptians were first and superior. Almost five thousand years ago, the old people of the Egypt able to produce a whole biological science. We are not very familiar about the biology of old Babylon society. We have found only little bit about them. Same can be said about Indus society. We got lots of information about their life style but unable to find  information about their medical world. Indian society had given an idea about the medical science of that age. It has been saying the Indian biology had started its journey from the stage of Rig Veda, near about four thousand years ago. The first book on medical science was written in 450 B.C. in China. Till now the book is known as the oldest book of Medical Science.

The Practise of Egypt, China and India:

The magic and spiritual power took a big part at that time in the old society. The Egyptians were not opposites. In spite of that,  they invented lots of medicines in order to cure form varieties of diseases. The medicines were effective and the system ran for a long period. It is known that the Egyptians knew about the use of medicines that could cure pains and sedative problems.
The Chinese medical science was very old too. The first written book on medical science in China acknowledges the fact. We can find long and meaningful description of medicines in this book. There had a deep description about acupuncture which was incredible at that time. One of the processes of treatment in China had called ‘Han-Yi’. Later this process went to abroad likes of Korea, Japan and South-East Countries. There was also a little beat medical science in Indian society. Books like Rig Veda and Atharva-Veda gave a little touch of this. But later written books, like- Charaka Samhita or Sushruta Samhita is healthy in contains of biology. 
Sign of Book

Greek and Roman Treatment and Indian:

Greek and Roman process oriented from Egypt. Most of the familiar medicines in this countries influenced from the Egyptians’ inventions. But one great thing we had got from old Greek society is that the medical science became free of magic and spiritual powers by influence of them. The father of Medical science in West Europe, the great physician Mr. Hippocrates of Kos was the first person who criticised the use of magic and magical songs in medical science. He is known as the 'father of Medical science'.
After many years Arabians brought a revolution in medical science history. They had mixed Indian and Greek-Roman medical science process and the world got a developed medicine treatment. The process went to Europe. Europeans got the knowledge form Arabians. The effect of Arabians medicines in Europe was historic and long lasting. Great Arabian writer and thinker Avicenna written book ‘Qunun’ or ‘Canon’ had regarded one of the main books of medicines in Europe till seventeenth century.
The Arabian medicine policy came to in India in sixteenth century, at the time of Mughal empire. The process became popular in India as the process was resembles with Indian process in many parts. In India this traditional treatment process had called ‘Unani’. The word came from ‘Jaban’.That is a Sanskrit word, means people of Greece.

Monday 9 February 2015

EURO 1 and EURO 2

EURO 1 and EURO 2:

The Important Summit:

Today the most important origin of air pollution is vehicles. The problem is around the world and everyone is seriously thinking about it. It was first come into the thinking in year 1999 at the United Nations’ meeting in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The summit based on Environment and Progress in the world. The subjects were holes in Ozone layer, misuse of oil, traffic problem in cities and towns, and air pollution by vehicles. The discussion ended with two decisions. First one, the countries who are responsible for pollution have to share money for controlling pollution and second one is whole of the world would take care of the pollution. That means anyone would not wait for any types of scientific prove in respect to pollution, they would take steps at the earliest.

How the Rules came:

In the modern world, undoubtedly, the pollution is the biggest threat for us. It is said that in many countries, like Malaysia and Mexico nothing is visible from a short distance due to the smoke appeared. It was an incident in 1970, in California, Los Angeles, U.S.A, when the famous Photo Chemical calamity had brought the whole world into the stage of thinking for pollution. That incident changed the thinking of people and brought awareness about the air pollution in the society. In 1970, the U.S.A. government passed the Clean Air Act in their parliament (known as Congress). Motor making companies had also come to stop pollution. Then the turn went around the world and in few years the European countries also made act to stop pollution. Lately, Asian and African countries got the idea from them and made the necessary rules. The word EURO 1 and EURO 2 came from European countries.

What is EURO 1 and EURO 2:

What is the meaning of EURO 1 and EURO 2? These are two emission standard rules which had come from Europe. The first rule introduced in 1993 and second one in 1996. According to the rules, the substances which are responsible for pollution would be limited in vehicles’ smoke: That means if a vehicle run one kilometre, there would be a limited release of polluted substances in every time. If the vehicle releases more polluted substances, it is to be a concern that the vehicle does not obey EURO 1 rule and the punishment is applicable there. As per EURO 2 rule, the oil should be reach not only from carbonator, from other places too. The system is called Multi Joint Fuel Injection. Besides, there would be change in piston, warring and design of engine. The system is now available in the market. But, what can be done about the older vehicles? A strong act is very much in card to stop this issue.

Pollution from vehicles:

The growing world is suffering because of above situation. It is not only takes bad effect to our daily life also take part in money market. Research suggests the loss amount due to pollution in developed and developing countries is thousands of dollars. Private cars are the most polluted vehicles in the world. Then, come up names of other vehicles, like- motor cycle, scooter, auto rickshaw, bus and track. There has a wrong idea that the vehicles that run by diesel spread more pollution. That’s not true. Now a days’, C.N.G. (Compressed Natural Gas) is using for many vehicles. That is one of the solutions of air pollution in the environment. zc

Thursday 5 February 2015

Finger Print Identification Machine

Finger Print matching machine, a revolutionary invention:

In modern world finger is a very important organ for science. Now and then finger can easily guess the culprits behind any mystery. From robbery to theft, from murder to suicide, fingerprint is beyond compare. The system which done this work is known as ‘VERID’ system. Its function is to match finger print of people. Actually it is a machine. It can remember finger print, can identify and match finger prints. We use access code in occasions for our computers. That means whenever we start computer we have to put any number or name as a key to access computer. There is also card system in many computers.  You have to enter card to access that computer. You can use this VERID system in those computers, which can secure your computer more. Only your finger can start your computer and you can avoid hazards of remembering access code.

The Machine:

There is no need of any types of system software change issues if you want to use VERID system. No requirement to do extra ordinary something. Just buy and fix this 165 mm length, 160 mm breadth and 60 mm high machine at proper place. The seller will guide you and fix the machine at suitable place. The machine is all within itself, not need any outside help. It has its own micro-processor and software. The machine can identify and remember more or less five thousand finger prints. The persons who have card, they would first enter their card or put access code if applicable. Then he has to keep his finger on VERID system reader. The system will check the finger print. The process which uses to match finger print is known as Auto Correlation. The advantage of this system is that it can match full finger print. If you worry about computer memory, don’t worry. It only takes 60 bytes memory of your computer for each finger print. It is also helpful to store finger print inside one track of magnetic stripe card.

Finger Prints:

Generally two finger prints of two different hands like to be stored inside the magnetic card. This is good because if you unable to use a finger or hand due to injury or something else, you can use another finger to access your computer. If you need your finger print identification mark some other places, you can scan all the necessary finger prints and downloads all finger prints to such places where you wants. For doing this, you need a small computer or respecting network, which are available in the market.

In Investigation:

A Finger Print
You can notice in various Television shows or detective movies finger prints are used to identify the criminals. Not only movies or T.V. shows the process is same in real life. A word would show as ‘unmatched’ or ‘matched’. If showed ‘matched’, after keep finger on reader machine, means this person’s finger prints is identified. Not all that case the person is accused but must give some sort of information which helps to solve the case. Actually, the invention of this ‘VERID’ machine has changed the path of investigation and makes investigation rather easy and unique.

Issues with new computer

Issues with New Computer

Have you bought a new computer? If yes, first to fall congratulation to you. You must be very happy and feeling thrill as your computer box had open just a while ago. When you set up your personal computer you must do few things, the things may looks unnecessary or disgusting. But believe me, those are nothing less than important. Those few things would help you to protect your computer from unwanted problems in upcoming days. There are few tips that do well for you:-

a. Serial Number conservation:

You may know every computer has its own serial number. So your computer also has a serial number. The number may be priceless in any day in your life. The first thing you have to do after opening the box:- note  the serial number on notebook, diary or else. You also can use your camera to take a photo of that number and placed there, from where you can get it easily when needed. Then check the number with your new computer set:- those must be same. If not, go to seller at once. If your computer starts with Windows, then you can store its Windows Licence Key. This key will be valuable whenever you need to reinstall Windows in future.

b. Make recovery disc or drive:

Recovery disc or drive is necessary when you would face problem of computer reinstalling. There are recovery compact discs or drives available with computers and laptops in market. If there are no such things, you can create a separate disc or drive at the time of starting a new computer. You can get making idea of such disc or drive from internet. 

c. Test Multi-plug:

The multi-plug which carry alternative current to your computer, must be safe and good. If you see a light is flashing on your computer after switch on, you would be assured that your multi-plug and connection both are ok.

d. Give reminder for your expiry date of computer warranty:

It is usual for most of the people to forget the warranty period of your personal computer. If you face any problem near future this date would give suggestion what to do then! One of the easiest ways to remind the warranty date is to give a mark on your calendar as soon as you bring computer to home. You also can store money receipt in a suitable place to avoid any problem under warranty period as per as your computer is concern.

e. Other issues:

Whenever you bring computer set to your home, you must take few minutes to give look towards its hardware. You may not understand software problems, which belongs to experts but you can understand if any hardware does not functioning properly. Hardware supposes to be change if not runs properly or may repairs. And as per as software is concern, a quality antivirus is must. Modern days, internet is everywhere and same can be said for virus. So do not run your computer without an antivirus, and keep update your antivirus regularly. Because new viruses are always ready to damage your computer. If you want to protect your computer from others, you can set up a password at the starting of your computer. The password must be remembered by you.