Friday 28 August 2015


Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists of the world. Many have recognised he is the best. His inventions ‘General Theory of Relativity’ brought revolution in the world of Physics. His well known equation E=mc² is one of the most essential equation of modern Physics (here, E= kinetic energy, m=relativistic mass and c= speed of light). Even atom bomb had invented basis of his theory and equation. He had won Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Birth and Education:      

This great scientist had born on 14th March, 1879, in Germany. In 1880 he along with his family went to a big city, Munich. As it known, his father was an engineer. His early education started in Munich at the age of five. His childhood school name was Luitpold Gymnasium which later named to him as Albert Einstein Gymnasium. In 1894, his family went to Italy. Einstein stayed in Munich and completed his study there. Then he went to Italy to join his family. The very next year he went to Switzerland and passed Swiss poly-technique exam. He stayed in the country and got a teaching job there.

Marriage and Jobs:

In the year of 1902 he married to Mileva Maric. The couples produced two sons. Though, his marriage did not last long. In 1919, he had married to another woman, Elsa Loverthal, who died in 1936.
In 1905, Einstein got his PhD from University of Zurich. In 1908, he joined to University of Bern as lecturer of Physics. In 1911, he got a full professor job in Austria. Later he came back to Germany. Same year he brought his famous ‘General Theory of Relativity’ in front of all.
In December, 1930, he went to U.S.A. and got many appreciations and achievements. Three years later he again went there and in 1935 he and his wife adopted citizenship of U.S.A


Apart from Physics, he had eagerness in music. He himself liked to play violin. He said once that he would be a musician if he was not a physicist. In fact at his young age his work with violin preferable to many people.

Theory of Relativity and other work:

The man was a great scientist. His articles and inventions are remarkable. But the most famous article was ‘General Theory of Relativity’ and his equation, E=mc². This equation may be the most famous equation in history of science. It is a pillar of modern Physics.  His article was first come out in 1905. People was little doubtful about this and it took long fourteen years to accept. It was in 1919 when acceptance happened.
He wrote many articles and invented theory. Among those, Periodic Table of Element, Theory of Critical Opalescence, Energy at Zero Point, Definition of Light, Bose-Einstein Theory are mostly remarkable. He raised questions on ‘Quantum Theory’. He wrote several articles on it and said it was not up to mark. The debate against Niels Bohr remained unclosed until death. It was controversial at times and many scientists opposed Einstein in that case. But his articles on this were matter in future works.


Form the age of sixty-nine; he was in observation of treatment regularly. In 1955, case went wrong and he faced internal bleeding. But he was not agree for surgical operation and continued his industrious work in Physics. The scientist died on 18 April, 1955. The man had died but his work in science remains him alive for ever.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


It was in 1972, the very first step had been taken for Indian Space research. Indian Government established two organisations - SPACE COMMISSION and DEPARTMENT OF SPACE. Government wanted to improve Space Technology and India’s progress by combination of these two institutions. One of the branches of DEPARTMENT OF SPACE is ISRO OR INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION. The responsibility of progress in technical area and Space research both are the priority of ISRO. The main office of ISRO and DEPARTMENT OF SPACE both are in Bengaluru, formerly Bangalore, in the State of Karnataka, India. There are many institutions which work under the ISRO and DEPARTMENT OF SPACE.


This centre is originally situated at Thumba, at Thiruvananthapuram, the State of Kerala. All types of Rocket and Launch vehicles’ activities have been done here. The main subjects of their research are Avionics, Aeronautics, Mechanical Engineering, Solid Propulsion, Chemical, Polymer, Lunch vehicles etc.  The centre has its own campus where all the research has been done.
The Earth from space


This centre is situated at Thiruvananthapuram, in Kerala, India. The centre mainly research for inertial sensors and systems of satellite technology as well as launch vehicles.


There are three campuses under this centre. One is at Valiamala, Kerala, one is at Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu other is at Bengaluru, Karnataka. The work on launch vehicles and Satellite auxiliary propulsion systems has been main here. The development on Cryogenic of  lunch vehicles and steps of liquid propulsion also part of the research. Activities on Space crafts and Cryogenic engines are the main theme of this centre.

Launching vehicle

The main and most famous launching centre of ISRO situated at Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is a rocket launching centre. This centre is a combination of two institutions, ISRO RANGE AND TEST FACILTY (IRT) and PROPELLANT AND TECHNICAL SERVCES FACLITY (PRT). The main job of this centre is to provide solid motor for launch vehicles. Besides this, there is sub-system of satellite and rocket launcher. It can store liquid propellant. Instrumental works of launch vehicles also done here. In the year of 2002, it got new name as SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE, named after frmer ISRO head. In 2013, the MANGALYAAN also launched from this centre. 


This centre of Bengaluru, Karnataka, supply technology to control the speed of vehicles. There are ground network stations at several cities. The cities are – Bengaluru, Lucknow, Sriharikota, Port Blair, Thiruvananthapuram and Hyderabad. There are stations outside India too.


Scientific, applications and technical aspects of a launch vehicle come up with the help of this institution. Designing, developing, caring etc has done by this centre. It research mainly on digital systems, microwave, and instruments of vehicles as well as test of them.


This is one of the parts of ISRO SATELLITE CENTRE, situated at Bengaluru, Karnataka. It works on sensors of  launch vehicles and satellites. It has two parts, one is SENSOR DEVELOPMENT GROUP and other is APPLIED OPTICS GROUP.


This centre is in Ahmadabad, Gujarat. Research on Space and practical use of technology are feathering the job of this centre. Mainly work on satellite communication and remote sensor.


This institution of Ahmadabad, Gujarat, mainly work on project of Space research, making reports on it and judge the quality of the project. In addition, also work on Space technical prospects and making of educational videos for its students.

Saturday 9 May 2015


MARS Adventure:

The MARS, this reddish planet has named after to a Roman God, God of War, is the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Up to 1960, the human beings believed that we could get information about the MARS planet only through telescopes. Many would believe in science fiction stories. But two of super power countries of the world of sixty's thought differently. The United States of America and the people of the Soviet Union started a never ending battle on the Mars mission. Between the years of 1964 to 1976 all the mission on the Mars did without any astrologer. The first successful mission to the Mars planet happened in 1964, by space craft ‘Mariner 4’.
MARS 1 : The space craft had sent by the USSR in 1962 towards the Mars . The mission ended just after crossing the Earth’s orbit and lost forever.
MARINER 3 : It was in 1964, when The United States of America sent this space craft for Mars. But due to unsuccessful opening of the Solar Panel, it failed.
MARINER 4 : The first successful mission to the Mars happened in same year by the scientists of the U.S.A. This space craft collected photos of the Mars planet. There were 22 close photographs of the planet from a distance of 9,920 kilometre.
MARINER 6 : In 1969 the U.S.A again sent a space craft towards the Mars. It went within the reach of 3,400 km of the planet and able to collect video of the Mars’ middle line. Not only had that it also measured the temperature and pressure of air of the planet. That was a great success in research of the Mars.
MARINER 7 : At same year U.S.A  had sent another mission and collected 200 photos of the South Pole of the planet.
MARS 2 : In 1971 The USSR of that time send this space craft to the Mars. It was the first ever space craft with a traveller. But sadly, this mission failed as a cyclone hit it and destroyed it.
MARS 3 : At the same year Russ again sent a space craft to the planet. It landed on the soil of the Mars and send information but only for 20 seconds. After that the communication had broken.
MARINER 9 : This space craft sent by the United States of America to the planet worked remarkable. The goal of the mission was to enquire about the planet. The space craft sent in 1971 able to make 85% map of the planet. Added to that it also collected pictures of two satellites of the Mars, one is Phobos and another is Deimos.
MARS 4 : Two years later The Soviet Union sent another space mission but due to problem of the sending Rocket, it failed to enter Mars’ orbit.
MARS 6 : Same year another space craft sent by the USSR scientists. The craft failed to communicate after landing on the planet’s soil.
MARS 7 : It was another space craft sent by same country and in same year had gone further distance of 13,000 km away of the Mars due to technological problems.
VIKING 1 : In the year of 1975 the U.S.A. had sent this space craft to the Mars. It collected near about 26,000 pictures. More importantly it gave the idea of ice portion at two extreme points of the planet.
VIKING 2 : Same year, same country sent this space mission for the Mars. It able to collect lots of information and pictures of the planet. It also brought the information about the existence of Nitrogen and Organ gases. But life existence oriented enquiry could be done at that time.
PHOBOS 1 : In 1988, the Soviet Russia sent a new mission to the Mars. This mission was set to collect information about its satellite Phobos. But unfortunately, it failed as the  face of Solar Panel of this craft was wrong, opposite of the Sun. It was a mistake made by scientists.
MARS OBSERVER : In 1992, The NASA, responsible for space mission of the United States of America, had sent a new space craft to the Mars. Its aim was to collect information about weather of the planet with pictures. But its communication with the scientists failed at the moment of setting under the orbit of the planet.

Sunday 19 April 2015

How Started S.I Units

How Started S.I Units:

The History:

Old Anglos Saxon Measurement process was responsible for invention of Imperial Unit process. The units were ordinary types. Units were made up on the basis of measurement system of that age. For example- hand of a human being had recognised as unit of length. The problem was length of hands varies in different persons. So, actual measurement could not be derived. There were errors all day long. Measurements were different in different hand as well as different places. In first phase of the twenty century there were two processes of measurement. One was Imperial method and other is Metric method. Imperial method was running in the British Empire. English speaking countries, including the United Sates, preferred Imperial method. Metric method belonged to France and other European countries and their associated countries, including colonies. At present the whole world follow the Metric process

Old Types of Units:

At olden days there was peculiar fashion of units. Breadth length of a thumb supposed to be one inch. Distance between starting of nose of King Edgar to end point of his middle finger (when completely stretch) was recognised as one yard. Those days one acre suggested the quantity of land could be cultivated by a pair of bulls with help of the plough. In other way, Mile oriented from the army related subject, Army of Rome, Italy. They thought one Mile measured as 1000 footsteps of a soldier that was near about of 1618 yards. Due to lots of disparity of footsteps, one standard Mile measured as 1760 yards.

Unit Systems:

The mentioned units are the father of weight measurement and responsible for invention of Imperial Unit System. At present units are not like olden days, those are calculated sharply and with accuracy. Some of them are complex in nature in arithmetic calculation but give accurate result in both occasions – bigger units and smaller units.
The units are decided after lots of judiciousness. This process is called Metric process and it first started in 1790 in France, then it covered many other countries in Europe thanks to great emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. In France a new unit of length discovered, that called ‘Meter’. A fraction of 1/10000000 of one/fourth of the middle line of the Earth measured as 1 meter. Unit of weight in ‘Metric’ system is ‘Kilogram which is equal to weight of one cubic decimetre of water. Volume of one cubic decimetre water is one ‘Litre’.

The Organisations:

At olden days there were many units of same things. So in respect to organise common units of those there were a meeting held in France. It was in 1870. That was the first ever meeting base on units. In the year of 1875 another gathering in Paris, France brought an agreement called ‘Treaty of the Meter’. According to this agreement set up an institution – ‘International Bureau of Weights and Measures’. It was decided that this organisation would meet to make new units and new definition. In 1889, a new definition had invented of ‘Meter’ and ‘Kilogram’ on basis of re-measurement of a rod made by an alloy of metals like Platinum and Iridium. The rod had been preserved in a room in Paris. Later, many suggestions and new thinking added to the institution. In 1954, ‘Weights and Measurement’ organised meeting gave approval of a new types of ‘Metric System’ which is rather easy to use in international prospectus. In 1960 this new system received a name – ‘System International De Units’ or International System of Units, in short S.I. Unit.   

Monday 9 March 2015

Know About the Moon

What is Moon:
The Moon looks from the Earth

The Moon:

The moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. Its age is same as the Earth’s age, almost 4.6 billion years. But the satellite is different from others. As the size of other satellites are 1/8th part of their own planets, where size of the Moon is very big in compare to others.  Size of it is 1/4th part of the Earth.  Diameter of the Moon is 3475 km and diameter of the Earth is 12700 km. But its surface area is half of the Atlantic Ocean. Because of that, its gravitation force is 1/6th of the Earth’s gravitation attraction. The orbit of the Moon is not circular, rather elliptical. The highest distance from the Earth is approximately 406000 km and the lowest is approximately 364000 km. The revolution time of the Moon around the Earth is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 12 seconds. We always see only one side of the Moon from the earth.

Inside the Moon:

The front of the satellite looks bright with some black spots. The brighter portion is the mountains, hills and high places which are lighted by the Sunlight. The dull portion is low positions of the surface. It was thought the low positions are ‘Maria’ or sea and given names basis of that but it is almost clear today that there is no water in the Moon, if any, that in form of ice. There are many hills in the Moon. The highest pick is suppose to higher than Mt. Everest, that situated near to southern part in the Moon. The height of it is 10660 meter.
One of the noted characteristic of the Moon is its lots of vacuoles which are mostly circular in shape. The diameters of those are between 1000 km to 1 km. The source of those vacuoles is the fall of the meteors on the surface of the Moon for a long period of time.
On the Moon Soil

Its Gravity:

Gravitation force of the Moon is very poor. For that reason, there are no gases or atmosphere. As per astronomers, there are no less of peculiar incidents in the Moon. There are no evening twilight or dusk, morning appears suddenly, because when the Sun rises there are no air to show the rising glory. There is no sound as there is no medium of air which need for sound wave.  The temperature of the Moon is extreme. AT day time, it rises to 100°C and at night it becomes -180°C.

The Moon and Tide:

The Sun and the Moon both are responsible for tide in the earth. The Moon is nearer to the earth than the Sun. So the influence of the Moonlight is more effective than the Sunlight. The Moonlight takes 1.3 seconds to appear on the earth where the Sunlight takes 8 minutes and sixteen seconds. For this distance, the ratio of the strength of tide due to the Sun and the Moon is 11:5.

Research on the Moon:

As per report there are lots of stones in the Moon, the stones are dry and no sign of water on those. There are no sign of any type of organic substance on the stones. There are no symbols of volatile elements, like – Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine, Lead, Mercury etc.  But in the earth these elements are common in an igneous rock. As per experts, there may be water in form of ice crystals in the Moon. And if any water exists it, may be some life also. Though it is not clear. The search on the Moon is still in progress and we are waiting to know mystery of the Moon in future.



Is there any Water in the Moon

Is there any Water in the Moon

How the Mission Started:
An Astronomer on the soil of the Moon

There are no ends of curiosity about the Moon. Out of this curiosity many Space Ships had send to the Moon from the soil of Earth. The journey had started in 1959 when Russian Space Craft, Luna 2 first landed on the Moon soil. Three years later U.S.A had sent their Spacecraft, Ranger 4 to the Moon. Before that, in 1957, Laika was the first animal sent to orbit for experimenting. It was a dog, though the mission was unsuccessful but it gives confidence to launch further space missions into the orbit to Russian Astronomers. Sputnik 1 was the name of that space flight. By the way, Yuri Gagarin of Russia was the person who went to the outer space by the Space Craft, Vostok, in 1961. Then the Americans came to the picture and send their first ever Space Craft, Pioneer 0 in 1958, but it failed. It was another cool battle between two power houses of that age. In the year of 1969, NASA planned to send three persons into the Moon by their Space Ship, Apollo 1.

The United States' Flag on the Moon

It was a great success. The Ship contained three gentlemen. Neil Armstrong was the first person who first landed on the soil of the Moon, then Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. They had infixed the flag of the United States of America on the soil of the Moon. Then other countries also joined on that mission to find the mystery of the Moon. Americans and Russians also send more Space Ships to the Moon. Sometimes, astronomers lost their lives as the Space Ships were gone out of control. But still today human beings are crazy to go the Moon.

Chance of Water in the Moon:

After several mission to the Moon there are lots of questions whose answers is still in mystery. But the million dollars question is ‘Is there any water in the Moon?’ In the year of 1961, few scientists theoretically said about the possibility of water in the Moon. Their logic were, as the Sunlight never spread more than 1.6 degrees at the Equatorial area of the Moon, there would be some vacuoles that cannot get any Sunlight in any circumstances. Such vacuoles’ temperature must be very low, around -230 degrees Celsius or 40 Kelvin. So there would be ice that cannot be changed for years. So it remains ice for ever. Now scientists are using Neutron Spectroscopy process in find of water. Water is one of the most essential elements for life. So if there is water there has the possibility of life too.

What Research saying:

Space Craft on the Moon Soil

Neutron can be divided into groups according to their strength. Different types of Neutron react differently with other things. Scientists did the experiments that how a Neutron behaves with dry soil and wet soil of the Moon and observe that there would be water. Neutron of Prospector and Spectrometer can discover layer of ice down to half meter beneath the soil.  Scientists’ idea is that there is water in form of ice beneath the soil, down to 2 meter for millions of years. The Prospector has given search of billions metric ton ice in the Moon. There is ice at the two extreme points of the Moon. Ice is found at Southern region, at Aitken Basin as well as at Northern region. The water is in form of crystal, crystal of ice. As per scientists’ guess, there are the places in two poles with covering area of five thousand to fifty thousand square kilometres that have water, in ice form.


What is Internet

What is Internet?                                       

Everybody in the modern world more or less depend on internet. Originally the question arises, what is ‘Internet’? It is nothing but a network. We can call the network is the father of all networks. In international world, millions of university, research and business institutions join together by computer through this network. Former vice president of The United States of America (under Bill Clinton Government) Mr. Al Gore gave a name to it – ‘Information superhighway’.

How it started:

The starting of internet happened in 1969, by the ARPANET (consider the first internet protocol network) which is the packet switching network of the defence in The United States. In the later eighty of twenty century, the network became the modem of information between the research teams. Though it started in U.S.A, its journey went on and covered the whole world today. There is no civilised country or state that is not a part of it today. Internet is everywhere. In the year of 1993, internet had opened for business purposes. Within few months, millions of new members joined to it. Now there are more than fifty thousands of computer join together to form the ‘Information superhighway’. These computers are chained together by the network.  It means millions of persons using this network. The most satisfying thing about this network is that there is no boss or no coordinator. So, one can do work according to his preference.

How can we get internet:

For joining internet you just need few things. First to fall, need a computer or a supported mobile phone, need telecommunications software and internet service provider and a modem; In the main network of internet, wires are join together one to another computer. Every computer of this system is called ‘Backbone’. Other computers are joined to a ‘Backbone’ computer. Many other computers are joined to those computers. Same process is going on and on. It looks like a family tree. The youngest member of this family tree is the internet user.  We can call the internet users as client. Because, the user has to spend some money to avail the internet; other side, the person who give service to users is a server. If one wants to join directly to the internet, he needs to have instruments for this and lots of money. But if one gets this service from an Internet Service Provider, these expenses are become cheaper and within the reach.

Advantages of Internet:

The facilities that we get from internet are priceless.  Each of the information seems to be in hand through internet. It’s actually a world within the world. Modern day technology vastly depends on internet. By this, we can send messages through e-mail or do voice chat with friends who live far from us. There are facility like of Facebook , the social networking site which helps to communicate and share our thinking to other people. Internet also gives freedom to us to share our feelings. It provides us opportunity to collect and store files by the help of ‘File Transfer Protocol’. We can download and listens songs or watch videos by internet. We can download pictures too. Even online events and movies can be seen by this. And the last but not least it provides us lots of information of the world by a single click only from almost anywhere in the world. 

Friday 6 March 2015

For Windows 8 Devices,need few Apps.

Necessary Applications for Windows 8 Devices:

Only two and half years ago, in 2012, in the month of October, Microsoft Company had released Windows 8, the personal operating system for all. The main feature of this operating system is to give more experience to tablets. Now it is a part of iOS and Android. The system need touch screen facility for mobiles.   Windows 8 provides more friendly integration rest of mobliles from Microsoft and others in sense of online services.
Consumers who would buy Smart phones that run by Windows 8 Operating system, they may think about few applications that could useful for the phone. As per technology based experts, a widows 8 device user need application likes of- Skype, Translator, VLC, Flip Board, News Bento, Drop Box, Wikipedia, Fresh Paint, Adobo Photoshop etc. Now we would discus functions of these applications.


Skype is used for video chat and messaging without spending any cost. Windows 8 system is suitable to get advantages of Skype. One can create his account and communicate with his friends and relatives by this. Now SkypeTranslator included to it. With this facility anyone can translate words from one language to another language. The advantage is now for Spanish to English but in near future 45 more languages will be part of this.  


Another free application for Widows 8 system is Microsoft Bing run Translator. This application would help you to translate different languages at the time of travelling from one place to another. This application supported 40 languages.


Flipboard is another application which is very useful with Windows 8 devices. This is popular social media application. One can browse Twitter or Facebook by this application. Its Live Style helps to read News Feed by the device.


VLC player is used to run music and video files without spending any cost. VLC player is ideal as its media play back application for running different types of media files.


Users who would use Desktop Computers by using Windows 8 Operating System, for them Dropbox is very good while one working. By this application one can go to every Dropbox file and do as per requirements. Besides, uploading or sharing anything can be done by using this application. In Smartphone, it would help to save empty places for storing information.


It is always easy to go home page of Wikipedia website. But if you install ‘Wikipedia’ application you can get lots of information from your home screen. This application acts tremendously on touch screen phones. Just like Wikipedia page, we can get feature article as well as recent news and updating information by this application.  

Fresh Paint:

Painting programmes are very much part of computer for a long time. Presently painting is using largely in touch screen phones. For touch screen devices, Fresh Paint is an important application to do painting related work. Even children can use this easily. Fresh Paint application tools are very useful to draw a picture as wishes.

Abode Photoshop:  

Previously, Abode Photoshop was the part of only iOS and Android system devices. Now, inclusion of this application makes Windows 8 devices more effective. It would give you opportunity to do picture direction as per your wish. The application works fabulous for touch friendly operating system of Microsoft.  

Monday 2 March 2015

Voice Search by Different Languages

What is Voice Search:

Voice Search is a special feature of Google Search Engine. You would not require any typing here. Just says what you want and would get the result instantly whether you are sitting or standing. Many say this technology will soon be used in large quantity in near future. You have to speak allowed and tab the mike to avail this opportunity. This would be used in Android, Google Chrome and Google apps for iPhones Operating System (I.O.S.).  or Mobile Operating System. The technology is powered by Google’s Knowledge Graph. For an example – if you say ‘India’ or a question like ‘What is telescope’, you get the answers spoken back instantly.

Voice Search for Indian Languages:

Now the users of popular search engine of Google can search answers by using his/her voice only. This voice search can be done with Indian domestic languages, like of Hindi, Marathi, Tamil or Bengali and many more. Before that, one can search information by using English language only in this part of the world. Google already take initiative with association of Indian technological research institution, 'Centre for Development of Advanced Computing', shortly C.D.A.C. If everything goes right the step will come to appear during this year.

Aim of Google team:

As reported, according to director of Google India had said there are near about 200 millions people in the country who are using internet. Added to it, he said the number of internet users in India rising every month by the rate of 5 millions. The new users mostly prefer to use mobile phone or tabs for internet searching. Many of people want to use internet but due to language problems they would not able do so. It can be changed by introduction of domestic languages largely. Google programmers are well aware of this situation and decide to introduce new voice preferences to overcome from that problem. As per report it is said that if the internet users in India rising by this rate, it will only take one to one and half years to beat United States’ in terms of internet users. There are already set up an institution in India for using Indian local languages more easily through internet. The name of it - ' Indian Language Internet Alliance (I.L.I.A.)'.This institution would work for awareness of Indian languages online. As per ILIA they are aiming to join 300 millions internet users of different Indian languages by 2017. They have planned to make contents for the people who will join internet through Smart phones. Google not only thinking about Indian languages, they also said that same will be done for the people who speak other languages around the world.
According to senior vice president of Google Search, it is not an institution, that would work for English language only, they will aiming to do work with different mother tongue of many countries of the world. The programmers of Google are continuously trying the level best of them to providing the improved local languages to the internet users from time to time. The said inclusion of voice search is the part of that.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Astronomy and Telescopes

Invention of Telescope:

Great astronomer come philosopher Galileo Galilei is called ‘The Father of Modern Astronomy’. As per history, it is known that around the year 1608-9 Galileo first got the news of Netherlands’ scientist Hans Lippershey’s telescope. Galileo developed that telescope and made same type of instrument. The invented instrument could give almost thirty times closer picture of any object. He gave a name to it, ‘Refractor Telescope. This brought revolution in Optical Astronomy indeed. The instrument made by Galileo recognised the very first complete telescope in the world.  The maker of the telescope used it in many ways and invented some excellent inventions. He invented that the outer portion of the Moon is uneven.  He also saw that ‘Pleiades’ is the sum of more than forty stars. Added to that, he invented four satellites of the Jupiter and the ‘Sunspots’ (the dark spots on the Sun) in the sky.

Reflector Telescope:

In 1668, Sir Issec Newton made a new instrument and gave a name to it, ‘Reflector Telescope’. ‘Refractor Telescope’ designed to do light reflection by big optical lenses.  Other side ‘Reflector Telescope’ has contained a big curve mirror. Modern day two type of telescope are used in circumstances. Later a new instrument had invented, known as ‘Optical Telescope’. This telescope has more advantage than the past one.

Radio Astronomy:

There is a new type of Astronomy which stared in peculiar fashion. It was in 1931,  a Radio engineer Mr. Karl Jansky was working in Bell Telephone Laboratory, in U.S.A. Suddenly, he had observed an incident - there were a continues radiation from the sky. Amusingly, many great astronomers of that age never gave enough attention to this fact. Mr. Grote Reber, an unprofessional radio operator was the first who shown curiosity to this incident. He himself took initiative and started experiments on this issue. After six years of research his relentless try come to conclusion. He gave description and observation of radiation from the sky. In 1937, he had invented the first Radio Telescope. The telescope was near about 9.58 meter or 31 feet and 5 inch parabolic dish. He set up this instrument at the backside lawn of his home. In the year of 1940, he invented the first Universal Radio Map. That period a new branch included to Astronomy, the ‘Radio Astronomy’.
The Radio Astronomy resembles with the Optical Astronomy in many ways. In Radio Telescope, there is metal reflector and an antenna. This metal reflector store wireless radiation and centralised in the antenna. The antenna can be specified at any frequency.  A sensitive radio capturing instrument or radio receiver captures radiation from the antenna and records it.

Today’s  Satellite Technology:

From the early sixty’s of twentieth century onwards, the satellite based technology and its workmen took remarkable role to reveal the truth of the Astronomy. Before the satellite technology, all the research started from the soil of earth. Now thanks to the development of technology, human beings can do their research beyond the earth’s atmosphere.  Now observation on other stars and planets can be done more easily. So, now research on Astronomy is being processed in two ways- one is from the earth and other from the satellite that stay in the sky.  

Friday 27 February 2015

Facebook, the social networking site.

What is Facebook:
Facebook logo

Presently, Face book is the world’s most popular social networking site. The website founded in 2006 by Mark Zuckerberg of Harvard University, U.S.A. The number of site users already cross one billion. You can join Facebook easily if you have a valid e-mail address and there is a restriction of age that is thirteen years. Young generation is fond of Facebook rapidly. The website designs to connect and share posts and pictures with friends and family mostly.

Spam Filter:

Facebook, the world’s the largest social networking site now taking step to stop ‘Spam’ option of News Feed. Many people would love this step as they feel disgusting when they see ‘Spam’ option on Facebook page. For avoiding this type of situation, Facebook authority decides to use ‘Spam Filter’. It would ensure that there will be no ‘Spam’ option on News Feed. Not only that it also give relief to the user as there would not be any repeat of same post or picture again and again. Besides that, if Spam linked post or same type of post share in Face book, that would not be showed at News Feed. The software programmers of Face book trying for long period to recover users from this type of unwanted situation. Now they able to make ‘Spam Filter’ as a success of their relentless try. According to the report, the work is still in progress and it will come out very soon for all the Facebook users. Adding to this, they said- there will not be any problems at all from the Adviser prospective at the site.

Special keys of Facebook:

Keyboard keys
Do you know there are many shortcut processes in Face book? If don’t, then just read this article. This shortcut keys not only well for something new to you it also very precise to save our valuable time. The shortcut keys are different for different Operating System and different in software browsers in circumstances. For example - the users who are using Windows Operating System and Mozilla Firefox, first press Alt + Shift and your desire key (given) at the same time. For Google Chrome and Internet Explorer press Alt and desire key (given).For Mack Operating System’s Firefox press Function + Ctrl and desire key altogether. And for other browsers, press Option + Ctrl with your desire key. The word ‘desire key’ belongs to one of the following keys:-
M- For sending new message.
J- For viewing next post of News Feed.
K- For viewing previous post of News Feed.
L- For like any posted photo or post.
1- To go home page or main page of Facebook.
2- For go to profile page of log in.
3- For sending request to become your friend.
4- To send a message to a particular user of Face book.
5- To see all the notification of your account.
6- To see your accounts settings.
7- To see your Privacy settings.
8- For go to Facebook page directly.
9- To see Right Engagement and statements of Face book.
0- To find ‘Help Centre’ option of Facebook page.
?- To go Search Courser and you can find anyone you wish in Facebook.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Little bit about Google

Google is now at First Position:

According to Millward Brown , world famous market survey institution, now Google is the topmost brand in the universe. Apple is only second best brand in the market. One year back Apple was in first position. The survey was base on Brand value.
The survey team claimed that last year’s inclusion of Google Plus had changed the scenario. Besides, the company introduced many shared policy. They had done agreements with a certain number companies to introduced Google Plus glasses in the United States in order to see internet. According to survey team, this type of decision makes Google more attractive brand in the market. Apple had been in top for last three years. But they have lost almost twenty per cent brand value last year. In this list of top hundred brands in the world, first ten belong to United States of America. IBM is at third positions in this list. Food chain McDonalds and soft drink company Coco cola sharing fourth and fifth place respectfully.
New Campus of Google in India:
As per news in Television the Google Company decided to make their new permanent campus in Hyderabad, India. The city already famous for technology is now under the new state, Telangana .Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana. The State Government already has given green signal for this. They claim it as a great achievement for them. Google has campuses which run in rent in India but yet to open a permanent campus in India.

Google Map:

Google Map- there is no one in competition when you want to search any location or address in the world. But the main problem is if you not have a speedy internet connection, you would not get your desire address easily by this map. You have to spend lots of time in search for the place. Not only that, more time you have to spend if you want the address in zoom mood. It can play with our patients and at last we feel disgusting. In this type of case you can use light mood option. That increases net speed and you can find your desire place. The light mood is good if not runs 3-d video or picture show; such things can reduce processing power. If any internet user using old type of operating system or old software and old browsers for older type of website, then Google most likely to give this advantage by itself. The light mood option remains beneath the Google maps, besides the Copyright information. If you get a brand new computer or mobile phone you would not get this facility. Then, you need a speedy network for searching any place through Google maps in little time.
Now Google Map is associated with Bicycle route in six different countries. The countries are – Germany, France, Ireland, Luxemburg, Poland and Liechtenstein. Bicycle is now a day’s very popular all over the world. For this reason, Google Authority has taken this step. By help of this Map one can search his destination easily.

Google Chrome:

Google Chrome, one of the most popular software browsers in the world. We can find our desire websites by using this software through internet. It can be used in Smartphone by Chrome browser apps. Google Chrome also can be used for search websites through Smartphone’s own application. We can see websites with better speed by using such applications whenever we use computer or Android Smart phones or tablets. Such applications also help to chose bookmarks. Besides that it is good to see pages, scroll pages and zoom in with high speed.


Monday 23 February 2015

How to maintain your Health

How to be Healthy:
Three works to be healthy

There has a proverb, ‘Health is wealth’. So we cannot avoid giving attention to our health. There are lots of imaginations about the health. Few people believe that if one eats food and chewing it eighteen times before swallow would be good exercise to digest food easily. Other people think taking deep breath and do proper exercise all day long is good to maintain health. So health is delicious theme for variety of opinions. But modern day science thinks differently, old days many thoughts are no more in counts. Present days’ research proves that. It is said that exercise of body is good for health but excess exercise would damage our health. Same think can be said about breathing, if you take breath in fresh air that is enough, not need to take deep breath any more.

Food Habit:

Scientific research say good and balanced food in proper proportion is important to maintain a healthy body. The good food means mixer of all quality of food.  The other important issue is how much time we would spend in between two meals- that remains a question mark even today. Research has not got convincing answers of that. Actually the time depends on social positions of us. The eating time is different in different society and atmosphere. In other side our working time dictate our eating time. Present day people are busy in work and can get little time to eat. It is not good for health but we have compromise with it.

Sleep or Rest:

Sleep is very much an issue related to maintain good health. Sleep would vary person to person. Some people like to sleep for long eight hours other would take half of that time. Two types of people would happy in their own. Mean while proper sleep is very much in card in order to maintain healthiness. As per medical science is concern, good health is little bit depend on our DNA (De-oxy-ribo Nucleic Acid - is a basic material which contains genetic orders in all the living organisms, DNA is situated inside the nucleus in a living cell) structure which come from your parents or your relatives. Some of the researches say a balanced diet, mental balance, preferences in life, our thinking, lifestyle, our rest time and DNA structure of our genes is necessary for keep good health.

Definition of Health:

According to definition of the health, only illness free or injury free body is not a healthy body. Health means good body; right minds and happy lifestyles in social ways. The general rules of good health care are-
1.    Don’t give extra stress to your body. Just use your body with your limitation, eat balanced diet in time. Taking sufficient rest is very important.
2.    Think positively, not negatively. Good thinking is very important for good health.
3.    Don’t think about your body unnecessarily.
4.   Drinking lots of water in empty stomach is a very fine exercise. Its helps us to avoid constitutions problems.
According to WHO (World Health Organisation), - ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ This definition remains unchanged since 1948 and known as the most famous definition of health till date.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Laser Ray Treatment

Laser Ray treatment, a revolution:        

What is Laser ray:

You have heard about the Laser Ray. Now, what is it? Have ever think about this? As a definition we can say – it is a ray that can go through the process of an amplification of optical on the basis of stimulating release of electro-magnetic radiation. The word LASER stands for- ‘Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Laser Ray Treatment is a medical treatment that has used on basis of light. Actually laser belongs to one kind of light. It is special, because of its wave length, that’s not like the other wave lengths. The powerful beam shows its vision. Laser ray or light so powerful that used to cut diamonds or shape steel materials.

Laser Ray treatment:                                                       

Research of scientists suggests that if laser ray can be properly directed and send through the body of the human beings, then few of cells of the body can be lighted and visible. Scientists of famous Cornell University of U.S.A. had done this and executed many small but important activities of cells at different time. They had also invented the process does not damage any of cells of the body. Head of the research team had clarified the activity of cell that they observe. The fact is if laser ray falls upon an atom, the atom absorbs one or two photon particles. As a result the atom becomes brighter and visible. Then the lighted atom can be seen thorough a video screen. In medical world, laser ray has been using for many occasions. By this method a surgeon can do his work on a tiny area and can avoid damaging other tissues. This type of treatment gives lesser pain compare to normal treatment. The treatment is not cheap in any means. So if you want to deals with laser therapy you must collect information about its expenses.

The Research:

There has been an emission of a chemical substance from the cells of the head of the person. The chemical substance is known as serotonin which works as a neurotransmitter. This substance helps to send signals from neuron to parts of the body. There has the picture of that incident. If any human beings suffering in cancer, the laser ray would find the cells which are containing cancer, these cells brighten differently compare to normal cells. This type of information is very useful to find the location the tumor or neoplasm (if any), which is a mass of tissue at the time of head related operation. Not only that, the method can give us road to send applicable medicines to the effected cell. It can help to cure the patient. The process use to do the above is known as Micro photon or Microscopy. The word Microscopy oriented from Microscope.

Test on Whom:

The whole process at first tested on a rat body. Mr. Winfried Denk, the well known scientist of Bell Laboratory applied this method inside a rat’s head and he was succeeded to observe the activities of dendrite (it is a branch of neuron which comes from a Greek word). The Cornell University’s research team is responsible for invention of Microscopy. Actually Microscopy came from Micro photon and the process belongs to the university in New York, U.S.A.

Use in:

This method is very useful in medical science. It is used to destroy tumors and polyps. Stone in kidney and parts of prostate can be removed by this method. It is a good practise to repair retina, inside part of eye. The treatment helps to relieve cancer and Laser eye surgery helps to improve our vision.