Monday 2 March 2015

Voice Search by Different Languages

What is Voice Search:

Voice Search is a special feature of Google Search Engine. You would not require any typing here. Just says what you want and would get the result instantly whether you are sitting or standing. Many say this technology will soon be used in large quantity in near future. You have to speak allowed and tab the mike to avail this opportunity. This would be used in Android, Google Chrome and Google apps for iPhones Operating System (I.O.S.).  or Mobile Operating System. The technology is powered by Google’s Knowledge Graph. For an example – if you say ‘India’ or a question like ‘What is telescope’, you get the answers spoken back instantly.

Voice Search for Indian Languages:

Now the users of popular search engine of Google can search answers by using his/her voice only. This voice search can be done with Indian domestic languages, like of Hindi, Marathi, Tamil or Bengali and many more. Before that, one can search information by using English language only in this part of the world. Google already take initiative with association of Indian technological research institution, 'Centre for Development of Advanced Computing', shortly C.D.A.C. If everything goes right the step will come to appear during this year.

Aim of Google team:

As reported, according to director of Google India had said there are near about 200 millions people in the country who are using internet. Added to it, he said the number of internet users in India rising every month by the rate of 5 millions. The new users mostly prefer to use mobile phone or tabs for internet searching. Many of people want to use internet but due to language problems they would not able do so. It can be changed by introduction of domestic languages largely. Google programmers are well aware of this situation and decide to introduce new voice preferences to overcome from that problem. As per report it is said that if the internet users in India rising by this rate, it will only take one to one and half years to beat United States’ in terms of internet users. There are already set up an institution in India for using Indian local languages more easily through internet. The name of it - ' Indian Language Internet Alliance (I.L.I.A.)'.This institution would work for awareness of Indian languages online. As per ILIA they are aiming to join 300 millions internet users of different Indian languages by 2017. They have planned to make contents for the people who will join internet through Smart phones. Google not only thinking about Indian languages, they also said that same will be done for the people who speak other languages around the world.
According to senior vice president of Google Search, it is not an institution, that would work for English language only, they will aiming to do work with different mother tongue of many countries of the world. The programmers of Google are continuously trying the level best of them to providing the improved local languages to the internet users from time to time. The said inclusion of voice search is the part of that.

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