Monday 9 March 2015

What is Internet

What is Internet?                                       

Everybody in the modern world more or less depend on internet. Originally the question arises, what is ‘Internet’? It is nothing but a network. We can call the network is the father of all networks. In international world, millions of university, research and business institutions join together by computer through this network. Former vice president of The United States of America (under Bill Clinton Government) Mr. Al Gore gave a name to it – ‘Information superhighway’.

How it started:

The starting of internet happened in 1969, by the ARPANET (consider the first internet protocol network) which is the packet switching network of the defence in The United States. In the later eighty of twenty century, the network became the modem of information between the research teams. Though it started in U.S.A, its journey went on and covered the whole world today. There is no civilised country or state that is not a part of it today. Internet is everywhere. In the year of 1993, internet had opened for business purposes. Within few months, millions of new members joined to it. Now there are more than fifty thousands of computer join together to form the ‘Information superhighway’. These computers are chained together by the network.  It means millions of persons using this network. The most satisfying thing about this network is that there is no boss or no coordinator. So, one can do work according to his preference.

How can we get internet:

For joining internet you just need few things. First to fall, need a computer or a supported mobile phone, need telecommunications software and internet service provider and a modem; In the main network of internet, wires are join together one to another computer. Every computer of this system is called ‘Backbone’. Other computers are joined to a ‘Backbone’ computer. Many other computers are joined to those computers. Same process is going on and on. It looks like a family tree. The youngest member of this family tree is the internet user.  We can call the internet users as client. Because, the user has to spend some money to avail the internet; other side, the person who give service to users is a server. If one wants to join directly to the internet, he needs to have instruments for this and lots of money. But if one gets this service from an Internet Service Provider, these expenses are become cheaper and within the reach.

Advantages of Internet:

The facilities that we get from internet are priceless.  Each of the information seems to be in hand through internet. It’s actually a world within the world. Modern day technology vastly depends on internet. By this, we can send messages through e-mail or do voice chat with friends who live far from us. There are facility like of Facebook , the social networking site which helps to communicate and share our thinking to other people. Internet also gives freedom to us to share our feelings. It provides us opportunity to collect and store files by the help of ‘File Transfer Protocol’. We can download and listens songs or watch videos by internet. We can download pictures too. Even online events and movies can be seen by this. And the last but not least it provides us lots of information of the world by a single click only from almost anywhere in the world. 

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