Monday 9 March 2015

Is there any Water in the Moon

Is there any Water in the Moon

How the Mission Started:
An Astronomer on the soil of the Moon

There are no ends of curiosity about the Moon. Out of this curiosity many Space Ships had send to the Moon from the soil of Earth. The journey had started in 1959 when Russian Space Craft, Luna 2 first landed on the Moon soil. Three years later U.S.A had sent their Spacecraft, Ranger 4 to the Moon. Before that, in 1957, Laika was the first animal sent to orbit for experimenting. It was a dog, though the mission was unsuccessful but it gives confidence to launch further space missions into the orbit to Russian Astronomers. Sputnik 1 was the name of that space flight. By the way, Yuri Gagarin of Russia was the person who went to the outer space by the Space Craft, Vostok, in 1961. Then the Americans came to the picture and send their first ever Space Craft, Pioneer 0 in 1958, but it failed. It was another cool battle between two power houses of that age. In the year of 1969, NASA planned to send three persons into the Moon by their Space Ship, Apollo 1.

The United States' Flag on the Moon

It was a great success. The Ship contained three gentlemen. Neil Armstrong was the first person who first landed on the soil of the Moon, then Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. They had infixed the flag of the United States of America on the soil of the Moon. Then other countries also joined on that mission to find the mystery of the Moon. Americans and Russians also send more Space Ships to the Moon. Sometimes, astronomers lost their lives as the Space Ships were gone out of control. But still today human beings are crazy to go the Moon.

Chance of Water in the Moon:

After several mission to the Moon there are lots of questions whose answers is still in mystery. But the million dollars question is ‘Is there any water in the Moon?’ In the year of 1961, few scientists theoretically said about the possibility of water in the Moon. Their logic were, as the Sunlight never spread more than 1.6 degrees at the Equatorial area of the Moon, there would be some vacuoles that cannot get any Sunlight in any circumstances. Such vacuoles’ temperature must be very low, around -230 degrees Celsius or 40 Kelvin. So there would be ice that cannot be changed for years. So it remains ice for ever. Now scientists are using Neutron Spectroscopy process in find of water. Water is one of the most essential elements for life. So if there is water there has the possibility of life too.

What Research saying:

Space Craft on the Moon Soil

Neutron can be divided into groups according to their strength. Different types of Neutron react differently with other things. Scientists did the experiments that how a Neutron behaves with dry soil and wet soil of the Moon and observe that there would be water. Neutron of Prospector and Spectrometer can discover layer of ice down to half meter beneath the soil.  Scientists’ idea is that there is water in form of ice beneath the soil, down to 2 meter for millions of years. The Prospector has given search of billions metric ton ice in the Moon. There is ice at the two extreme points of the Moon. Ice is found at Southern region, at Aitken Basin as well as at Northern region. The water is in form of crystal, crystal of ice. As per scientists’ guess, there are the places in two poles with covering area of five thousand to fifty thousand square kilometres that have water, in ice form.


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