Saturday 9 May 2015


MARS Adventure:

The MARS, this reddish planet has named after to a Roman God, God of War, is the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Up to 1960, the human beings believed that we could get information about the MARS planet only through telescopes. Many would believe in science fiction stories. But two of super power countries of the world of sixty's thought differently. The United States of America and the people of the Soviet Union started a never ending battle on the Mars mission. Between the years of 1964 to 1976 all the mission on the Mars did without any astrologer. The first successful mission to the Mars planet happened in 1964, by space craft ‘Mariner 4’.
MARS 1 : The space craft had sent by the USSR in 1962 towards the Mars . The mission ended just after crossing the Earth’s orbit and lost forever.
MARINER 3 : It was in 1964, when The United States of America sent this space craft for Mars. But due to unsuccessful opening of the Solar Panel, it failed.
MARINER 4 : The first successful mission to the Mars happened in same year by the scientists of the U.S.A. This space craft collected photos of the Mars planet. There were 22 close photographs of the planet from a distance of 9,920 kilometre.
MARINER 6 : In 1969 the U.S.A again sent a space craft towards the Mars. It went within the reach of 3,400 km of the planet and able to collect video of the Mars’ middle line. Not only had that it also measured the temperature and pressure of air of the planet. That was a great success in research of the Mars.
MARINER 7 : At same year U.S.A  had sent another mission and collected 200 photos of the South Pole of the planet.
MARS 2 : In 1971 The USSR of that time send this space craft to the Mars. It was the first ever space craft with a traveller. But sadly, this mission failed as a cyclone hit it and destroyed it.
MARS 3 : At the same year Russ again sent a space craft to the planet. It landed on the soil of the Mars and send information but only for 20 seconds. After that the communication had broken.
MARINER 9 : This space craft sent by the United States of America to the planet worked remarkable. The goal of the mission was to enquire about the planet. The space craft sent in 1971 able to make 85% map of the planet. Added to that it also collected pictures of two satellites of the Mars, one is Phobos and another is Deimos.
MARS 4 : Two years later The Soviet Union sent another space mission but due to problem of the sending Rocket, it failed to enter Mars’ orbit.
MARS 6 : Same year another space craft sent by the USSR scientists. The craft failed to communicate after landing on the planet’s soil.
MARS 7 : It was another space craft sent by same country and in same year had gone further distance of 13,000 km away of the Mars due to technological problems.
VIKING 1 : In the year of 1975 the U.S.A. had sent this space craft to the Mars. It collected near about 26,000 pictures. More importantly it gave the idea of ice portion at two extreme points of the planet.
VIKING 2 : Same year, same country sent this space mission for the Mars. It able to collect lots of information and pictures of the planet. It also brought the information about the existence of Nitrogen and Organ gases. But life existence oriented enquiry could be done at that time.
PHOBOS 1 : In 1988, the Soviet Russia sent a new mission to the Mars. This mission was set to collect information about its satellite Phobos. But unfortunately, it failed as the  face of Solar Panel of this craft was wrong, opposite of the Sun. It was a mistake made by scientists.
MARS OBSERVER : In 1992, The NASA, responsible for space mission of the United States of America, had sent a new space craft to the Mars. Its aim was to collect information about weather of the planet with pictures. But its communication with the scientists failed at the moment of setting under the orbit of the planet.